
It's Time to Start Your Adventures

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One to One Support

One-to-one assistance to refugees, new immigrants from first date of arriving or receiving indefinite leave to remain and to all families in need. Services would include case management, translation services, interpretation, access to public benefit, information and agencies referral, transportation, skills building and further way to employment.

Women Group

The women’s club with wider activities such as crafts classes will provide a point of contact, for marginalised women, it will use crafts to gain new skills, increase confidence and build on communication skills, whilst making new friends.

Kurdish Supplementary School

The PKC began its supplementary school programme as a result of its recognition that children from its community where increasingly falling behind at their daily schools and support Kurds with their National Curriculum Studies mainly in the core subjects such as Kurdish, Mathematics and Science.

Diversity & Cultural Awareness

PKC provide community cohesion and cultural awareness of "who are the Kurds?" and general information to schools and organisations .

BME Job Club

BME job club support, mediate and advice our community with partnership from other agencies. We provide range of support to the Kurdish and wider BME community with an opportunity to improve their chances of gaining employment

Out Reach

Reach provide and support a range of social and educational opportunities that will encourage people from BME communities to learn throughout their lives, make positive choices and achieve their potential as individuals, members of their communities, and members of society.